Play-Yan Simulator: Play-Yan, now in EXE flavor!

The developer Nibbles, from, brings us the world's first Play-Yan simulator! This is something you might want to try out if you wanna mess with a Play-Yan without having a Play-Yan on you.

The program itself

(Yes, this is actual Windows 7 hardware)

It does, however, take a bit of effort to put some music on there. Open it up, then close it. Then get to file explorer and try to search for "play-yan" in the AppData folder. 

Unlike the real Play-Yan, this simulator supports WAV and OGG files, as well as MP3s!

To be honest, I am glad this exists. But then, there's also some cons. It can't play video (yet), and it's missing a few features (the ability to make Play-Yan dance to your tunes of choice, the lil "beeps" the Play-Yan UI makes, and the character next to the top warp tub, alongside the other countless features the Play-Yan has) - but it's a great way for you to experience the Play-Yan without having to spend a lot of money.