Legacy Products

Yes, the rumors were true.
Yanloid was no more. (wait they're on zipzap)

(The YANLOIDS were recorded in the same voice but never sounded like them.)
We won't offer the downloads anymore. Again, check ZipZap.

YANLOIDS under the PureiWeb name are no longer available. Still want 'em? Check out ZipZap's Talking Pals. Sorry for the Beso fans that wanted a full version - the VA cannot reach the G3 note that Beso was recorded with. (Maybe when he goes on T...)

Need help with the YANLOID voicebanks? Just contact ZipZap, the place that sells the VBs.

PureiWeb Movies and TV was discontinued on March 11, 2022. The PureiWeb movie library is on ZipZap alongside other great shows! (We still make Pureiyan Park under the PureiWeb Films name)