The Play-Yan User Guide
Welcome to PureiWeb's Play-Yan user guide!
This user guide is for the original Play-Yan.
(Might work with the Micro)
Great job for getting an original Play-Yan! They're very rare, so treat it like a fragile piece of equipment. Give yourself a very big round of applause! And a pat on the back.
Micros are easy to find.
And, this guide is NOT for the Micro. Unless someone is kind enough to make it happen.
Sorry, Micro users! (Instructions also apply to the Micro - but separate instructions for the Micro are coming soon, as long as founder gets a micro!)
Anyway... welcome to the beautiful world of Play-Yan!
Oh, and if you have a GameCube and a Game Boy Player, use it to experience the Play-Yan in the fullest detail you can, right on your TV! A tiny screen (like a DS or GBA) just won't do for the full experience!
If only we had a GameCube with a Game Boy Player and the HD upscaler thing... we'd be the first to give the Internet high-quality footage of the original Play-Yan. Well, THAT aged like milk.
Check out this video by Akfamilyhome Plus - they have given the world super-high-quality recordings of both the original Play-Yan and the Micro!
Step 1
Do you have a 1GB or less SD card? Good! Let's go to the second and most important step.
Oh, and if you don't have a 1GB card, then get one! If it's more than 1GB, then it may not work*.
*People say that the Play-Yan supports up to 2GB, but it'll only read the first gigabyte. (Source: AKfamilyhome's video on the Play-Yan Micro)
Having SD Card trouble? Say cheese!
If you have a digital camera, use it to format the SD Card.
Just to let you know, the Play-Yan does not like SD cards that are formatted on a modern Windows 10 computer. We tried everything, and it still would not accept the card. Until we put the SD card in a digital camera.
Say cheese!
We're sure that a Windows XP computer with an SD card reader will work. Maybe.
Oh hey, it works! The camera we used was a Kid Tough Digital Camera (shown above). Even though it's a camera for little kids, it does an excellent job on formatting an SD Card for use with the Play-Yan.
Also, it takes some great photos for it being a kids' camera. (The screen doesn't do it justice)
Maybe a modern digital camera will work! Just tell us over on the Send to PureiWeb page, and we may add your info in!
Step 2
Get some songs! In MP3 format, obviously!
The Play-Yan supports MP3 format only. Try this file here. Most MP3's will work.
Step 3
Put the MP3s on the SD card! Will it play? Boot it up and find out!
If some files don't show up, make sure they are in the MP3 format, then try again. Repeat Step 2 if you have trouble.
Step 4
Enjoy the Play-Yan experience! Here's some things you can do:
1. Press the A button to the beat of the music. Play-Yan will dance, and everything on the stairs will follow along as well! It won't work on very slow songs or songs with a swing rhythm.
2. Press the up and down buttons on the D-Pad while holding the R shoulder button. This is a bass booster! But it really doesn't boost the bass. It does, however, make the song sound different. And for some songs, it will distort a little bit. But not enough to call it earrape, like in your favorite memes!
3. Press the L and R shoulder buttons together.
It will count down from 3. The screen turns off, but the music still keeps on playing! The Play-Yan will then enter Auto-Sleep mode.

This audio file was recorded off an original Play-Yan connected with an AUX cord to the mic jack on the founder's computer. The GBA SP (AGS 001) was connected to a charger because it was dead at the time of recording.
Headphones are recommended. Even if you're not a Stepswitcher.
During this 26-second audio clip, we slowly crank up the volume. After a few seconds, we slowly crank up the bass boost. We got distortion!! It's slight, but noticeable. But not funny enough for memes.
The Play-Yan will work with ANY Game Boy Advance system, the original DS, DS Lite, and Game Boy Player. The Play-Yan will not work on an emulator since there's no way to make a "virtual" SD Card yet. Oh, if we could code and hack... we'd make a great little ROM hack for the people to emulate! Nevermind, there's the Edge of Emulation page... and the thing Nibbles made.